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Trustworthy & Hardworking Asphalt Experts

Select Asphalt Solutions in West Bloomfield, Michigan, is known for our impressive range of asphalt services. We pride ourselves on high-quality workmanship and client satisfaction.

Perfect for Your Property

There's nothing like a gorgeous asphalt surface to beautify your home or business. Many clients already trust us to take on asphalt projects at their properties, including:

• Residential Homes
• Condominiums
• Office Complexes
• Infrared Asphault Repair

• Restaurants
• Retail Centers
• Schools
• Churches
• Medical Facilities
• Parking Lots

Shoveling the Asphalt

Crack Filling

Prolonging the life of your asphalt is the best way to save your hard-earned money. Crack filling is an economical option, as opposed to complete resurfacing or patching, when cracks appear in your asphalt surface. Cracks that are 0.25" and wider are filled with a rubber filler and subsequently heated to 350°. This heated rubberized material is applied to the crack, creating a durable rubber bridge. The end result is a reduction of the infiltration of water and other materials into the cracks. Further, costlier expenses are avoided by taking care of cracks before they worsen.

Asphalt Patching

The warm summers and cold winters that Michigan is known for result in severe cracks and potholes in many asphalt surfaces. Water that seeps into pavement is repeatedly frozen and thawed, causing expansion and contraction of the asphalt surface and, therefore, deterioration, cracks, and potholes. Combining this damage with heavy traffic means that asphalt patching is a common repair in Michigan. We have the skills and knowledge to handle any asphalt patching or repair that you require. Whether you need an addition to your driveway, a catch basin rebuilt, a surface patched, or the removal and replacement of asphalt, our experts are here to help.


Nothing enhances the visual and practical appeal of your asphalt surface more than sealcoating. The process of sealcoating plays a vital role in asphalt maintenance by protecting the surface from UV rays, weather, grease, oil, salt, and other harmful agents. We use the highest grade of sealer and combine it with sand and a special additive to provide your surface with added traction and durability. We believe that you should get the most out of your asphalt investment. Sealcoating is an affordable solution that is sure to prevent costly repairs for many years to come.

Asphalt Resurfacing

Eventually, all asphalt surfaces require resurfacing due to lack of maintenance, poor initial installation, or age. Standing water, spider web cracks, and broken or sinking asphalt are sure indicators of significant damage where resurfacing is your best and most cost-effective solution. By adding a new layer of asphalt, we give you a beautiful and long-lasting surface for your property. Contact us for a quote. We're more than happy to evaluate your surface and propose the best solution.

Infrared Asphalt Repair

Infrared technology has proven to be an effective method of repairing asphalt defects. The overall process is very simple on the surface, yet complex when you get into the details. To properly repair asphalt pavement using this technology you must be aware of a few important factors that will aid in a successful repair and having a happy customer. To get started, here are ten topics you should know prior to beginning IRR:

The Basic Principles of IRR

1. IRR is simply the absorption of radiation (heat) into the damaged asphalt to aid in removal. The next step is to replace with new or reclaimed material and reheat to bond the patch with undamaged areas.
2. Proper heating of asphalt is affected by a number of factors. One must always keep in mind that multiple layers must be heated individually and raked off before the lower level can absorb sufficient heat for removal.
3. The percentage and properties of asphalt have an effect on heating times. Polymer grades, mix designs and the age of the material play a very important role. For example, aged (white) asphalt will not absorb heat as well as new (black) material would.
4. Moisture should be avoided while doing IRR. While water can be evaporated using the IRR, during evaporation the heat could very quickly become excessive and damage areas of the asphalt while a more porous section remains wet.
5. Both wind and ambient temperature will largely affect the heat times as well as the time the material will remain workable during the repair.
6. Patch prep is a very important step in the process to obtain a lasting repair. Once the old material has been heated and removed, the edges should be squared off and tapered. The tapered edge allows for more surface area and ensures a good bond between new and old areas.
7. Add new asphalt to the repair. If using new and reclaimed asphalt in the repair, care must be taken to mix the two throughout the repair. Raking the asphalt into the repaired area will ensure new and old material will not become segregated.
8. Rejuvenators are used to replace the maltenes (the light oils of the asphalt cement) that are oxidized out of the material over its lifetime or during the IRR process. Rejuvenators may also be added prior to heating aged (white) asphalt to turn it black, which will lessen heating times.
9. Subgrade failures that are not repaired will only lead to future failure of the surface grade. For example, alligator cracking will look like it patched well using a surface-only repair. However, it will quickly succumb to the failure below and your patch will fail.
10. Heat shields can be used. Many times, state and or local regulations will not allow heating near sewer or drainage components. When the need arises to avoid heating a specific area, a thin sheet of aluminum can be used to “deflect” the IR away by simply placing it on top of the area to keep cool.

Cracked Road Adding Cement Crack Road Covered with Cement The Road